Aloha, Fat Burning Badass Babes Worldwide!
Did you know most people quit on the ninth day of any new pursuit where the hopes are high, the dream feels real and it finally feels like you’ll succeed because this time you’re going to Make. It. Happen.
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Preach to your friends and family!
That muffin top, self-consciousness during sex, recycling bin full of empty chardonnay bottles, closet full of Spanx….insert anything you prefer to shove in the shadows…. will be in your rearview mirror for good this time.
But day nine rolls around and f*ck it. “Some seven layer dip won’t hurt.”
“This Bloody Mary is kind of a vegetable serving.”
“I don’t want to offend the host.”
“I don’t want to be different, questioned, shamed, or judged.”
“I deserve to let loose. I’ll be back at it on Monday. I’ve done so well for these past nine days.”
Yep. This happened. |
And just like that, you’re back on the hamster wheel of unwanted habits. All the fervor for the new you is forgotten like the time Sylvester Stallone sang a country duet with Dolly Parton in Rhinestone.
Why? What’s the difference between the women who seem to turn chicken sh*t into chicken salad and those who derail at day nine? Maybe a metabolic disease of their own making finally forces them to treat their body like a friend before it’s too late.
That’s what finally did it for me.
Maybe the Levi’s formerly known as “fat jeans” are now just your jeans. And they make you feel like sausage about to burst through its casing.
Been there.
Maybe the poorly-masked, mortified reaction of friends and relatives who haven’t seen you (or your additional 40 pounds) in a while force you to make sustained eye contact in the mirror… and then crumple to the floor like tissue.
Timidly raising my hand.
Maybe you’d rather couch surf in your sweatpants on a sunny day instead of spending time with friends because you believe nobody’s ready for this jelly.
“Hi, Cheesy John’s Pizza! I’d like garlic bread sticks with that meat lover’s combo with the orange food-like product stuffed in the crust. Do you deliver vodka?”
If there’s one thing I’ve learned since devouring every medical biochemistry and metabolism textbook I could get my hands on, it’s that all the knowledge in the world means nothing without consistent right action. If you’ve read No Fail Fat Burning for Women the proven method for sustainable, healthy fat loss is right there in black and white. I’ve never seen anyone who followed the protocol correctly not lose body fat and gain energy and lean muscle.
But knowing and doing can feel worlds apart because the body follows the “mind.” You may have read in other posts where I talk about neurons not only being in the brain but also in the gut and heart. After all, 90% of serotonin begins in the gut. Gut feeling? Listen to your heart? Yes, you heard right:
The potentiator for happiness begins in the gut. This is one of the reasons why food = mood. Filling yourself full of junk as emotional eating will get you a fix… after all, the combination of sugar and fat has the same effect as cocaine and proves to be even more addictive than heroin. Keep in mind what emotions you’re eliciting after an eating/drinking binge. After the crash you’re left depressed, sluggish, and prone to mood swings.
But oftentimes this won’t stop us. And, even though I was armed with access to the most progressive female fat loss research around, and had the ear of every prominent researcher on speed dial, I still found myself falling into ways that outwardly appeared as fat rolls and inwardly spread as disease.
Laura Wilson |
So I began devouring everything I could on behavioral psychology. This was when an authentic change and an energy shift happened. It was good fortune that lead me to working with Laura Wilson on integrating my mind and body for lasting change and staying power in the parts of my life where I knew better but didn’t do better.
The truth is when we stop being at war with our bodies and learn right actions for the long run we can make the goals a reality. Even after the excitement of something new fades.
This is true for moms always adjusting to unforeseen "fire drills" that make any free moment seem like a luxury.
This is true for the executive entering menopause whose day — and night — gets monopolized down to the minute.
This is true for the figure competitor trying to achieve her stage-ready body composition or the athlete who needs an edge on the court or field.
This is true for the woman who realizes what a lifetime of abusing her body has done — or will do — based on family history.
Or any combination of the above.
Below, Laura is awesome enough to answer a few basic questions to get you started on developing a mindset of permanent change. In a couple months (just in time for the holidays) we’ll be releasing a full-length video interview with Laura. In the interview, we’ll take a deep dive and give you the tools to:
• remove toxic, subconscious thought patterns and behaviors that sabotage your goals
• let go of chronic pain, fatigue and brain fog
• teach your body to want what’s best for your unique biological fingerprint
MB: Hi, Laura. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your expertise with the No Fail tribe. In a few sentences tell us how and why teaching people to make transformational change became your passion and purpose.
LW: Like anything it's been an evolution. It really began in my mid 20's when I had a real transformational experience working with a therapist who focused on this Mind/Body connection. It was so incredible I immediately knew that I wanted to be able to help people experience this. At that point I became a massage therapist. So at least I could help people feel good in their bodies. And that was rewarding but it became clear that this physical tension I was feeling in their bodies was directly related to the stuff they would be telling me about in their lives, relationships, jobs, family, etc. I have a natural ability to listen and truly "hear" people. I decided I wanted to be able to help them make deeper, longer lasting change in their lives.
MB: You've asked when we’ve worked together that when I achieve "X" goal, to then describe what I think my life will look like if I make that a reality. How does framing a goal or desire in this way help your clients think differently about what they want to achieve?
LW: In a nutshell, it makes the goal, or outcome way more compelling. If it's just an idea and you're trying to operate on willpower alone, it's much less effective and probably won't last very long.
MB: What are common ways you see women self-sabotaging when it comes to their health and fitness and where do you begin with clients to “pump the brakes” on those behaviors?
LW: Well, that ties right in with the last question. For instance many times they say I want to lose weight for whatever reason, usually because of appearance, and they think about all the things they have to give up, and it takes on a real self-denial energy. Even the term "lose-weight" has a certain heavy feel to it. And they try to make it happen with willpower. It becomes a real internal struggle and usually the willpower gives in. But when you have a clear reason "why", and you frame it in a positive way, such as "become a fit, strong, energetic person so that I can do all the things I want to do in life" it make it much easier to make better choices to help you achieve your goal.
MB: What are a few easy, actionable steps our readers can take today to begin moving the needle towards true change?
LW: First, I always like to acknowledge what the present situation is, and accept it, not push it away. Then, get really clear on the goal or desired outcome and what having that will do for you. Come up with small, actionable steps to keep you moving towards that goal. A lot of times we think that the steps have to be huge and significant to be worthwhile, but it's the consistent small steps that make up the big changes.
Have a burning question you want me to ask Laura? Email them for our in-depth interview on true behavior change!
Interested in having Laura help you raise the level on your quality of life?
No Fail tribe members get a FREE 20 minute Health Breakthrough Session with Laura when you mention promo code NOFAIL20. What’s holding you back?
Contact Laura today before she's fully booked
Remember, you are not a damsel in distress. Be the hero of your story.