Sunday, May 10, 2015

BONUS POST: Answer this correctly. Win something awesome.

Aloha. Michelle here.

So, I'm not going to bore the snot out of you with another rant about scale weight. I want YOU, lovely Fat Burning Babes of the Universe and Beyond, to tell ME what's wrong and right with the email Skye just forwarded to me with steam coming out of her ears.

Please put your thoughts in the comments below.

The first correct answer will win something. I haven't thought of what it is yet but I need my faith in you restored.  I will make it worth your while. Please don't let our work here be in vain. PLEASE someone help us!

I wish it was a joke, dog.
There is a part of me that thinks we're being Punk'd with this email.

Here's the email:

Good morning,
I have been following the diet for 3 weeks and lost weight originally but nothing for the last 2 weeks.  So……I read what you wrote about adding protein.
Is it ok to use whey protein?  Is it inflammatory? 

I feel really good and am still losing inches but the scale won’t budge!!!!
I read your section on weight stalling and being over 40  and wondered how effective adding protein would be.    Yes, I love losing fat....but weight would be good too!
Please respond about the protein....

<Hulk frustrated! Hulk smash!>

Ladies, post how you would respond in the comments below. I am going to think of a really good prize for the most helpful, well-informed answer. Maybe a free, 30 min phone consultation?

Hope you all are having an amazing weekend. Happy Mother's day to all the awesome moms out there!

Yours in resilience, strength and sticks of butter!
Much aloha,

P.S. Follow us on Instagram: @No_Fail_Fat_Burning and @MichelleBurleson


  1. I believe my answer was if you want to lose weight over fat then I suggest a starvation diet of low fat, low carb, low everything. Diet soda and hours on a treadmill. Then you'll really lose weight! And that includes your hair, your muscle (nothing like waving your arm and it waves back from being skinny fat!) and organ damage.

    Why would I want to lose inches of body fat when I could lose my hard-fought hormone balance at forty?!

    What do I win?

    1. Dear Skye-

      Wrong, wrong, wrong. If you prefer losing weight over body fat here's the research hot off the presses from the NIH:

      From 8pm - Noon the next day: Intermittent fast on artificially flavored air. Add Equal to taste. At ten a.m., smoke a cigarette (one of those just for women like Virginia Slims). Put the cigarette butt down a storm drain that's closest to the ocean.

      At noon break the fast by rubbing a picture of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter all over your face. DON'T EAT IT! Too much fiber.

      At 4pm, go to the gym. Walk past the weights as fast as you can. Don't even look in that direction. Spend the next two hours on a treadmill squinting at the closed captioning on the Judge Judy show playing in front of you.

      Six pm. Take your assistant to Applebees and order everything you crave. Make your assistant eat what you ordered while you watch and record it on your iPhone for future Twitter vines.

  2. Er,, um I was just going to be serious and say muscle weighs more than fat and congrats to you. Give the girl a prize.

  3. You have to realize that people have been brainwashed for years about that fat is bad, meat is bad, eggs are bad, grain is good, milk is good. . . blah, blah, blah, and if a little exercise is good, more is better!!!! Plus to find any info out there you have to dig for and Drs are no help at all, and "experts" are all over the board with crazy stuff. It is overwhelming and confusing for newbies. Drink this, do that. . .who do you believe? So, yes, someone new to the NFFBFW life is going to have to be un-brainwashed. It took me quite a few starts before I got it right for me and I asked a ton of questions and did my own research and experimenting with eating for me. It helped that when I read the book, it all made perfect sense to me. I knew this was the right way for me.

    All that being said, I would walk her thru the program again emphasizing that she is to use measurements not a scale to track progress. If she is trying, there are no dumb questions. Once she "gets it," she will be shouting it from the rooftops and more women will be joining the ranks. That's what we want, right? Healthy, strong women who get it???

    1. So, you're suggesting I don't realize the fallacy of nutrition dogma being spouted by corporate interests and pseudo science? It would be fantastic if we could put our research careers on hold, shove our private clients and clinical trial participants aside and have the time to walk the hundreds of women we receive emails from a day through the protocol while also on an anti-skinny/starvation crusade. It's a matter of time management and priorities. I'm not interested in converting and preaching. If someone wants a way to reach their optimal health and is serious, I suggest giving the protocol a sustained effort. What people choose for their bodies and the aesthetics they desire is not my business. Results and speak for themselves. We can't help someone whose goal is to be a walking bag of bones. Nor do we have the time to attempt conversion or evangelizing. The info is there for women who are ready or have made health, strength and performance their goals.

    2. Skye - I agree with you. I thought this was someone who was trying to 'get it' and not someone who wanted to be a bag of bones. My mistake.

      I've read your book a few times and have taken notes after notes. Each time I go thru the book I see something else I have to tweak.

      Strong is beautiful! I honestly don't care what the scale says. I care about how I feel, how well I can function each and every day, and how clear headed I am. That beats skinny any day. . .and I used to be a long distance runner believing that simple carbs were good. I get it now, and I like my life a lot better now.

      Believe me, no insult was meant. I think your responses to the many people, and I've seen you respond in other forums, is admirable. Keep on doing what you do.



It's pretty simple: if you have nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Manners and politeness still count even when we're tucked safely away behind our screens. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and questions!