Monday, May 4, 2015

Fat Loss Challenge Update: Who's setting even greater goals?

Fat Loss Challenge: Week Five. Halfway Home!

  the Fat Burning Babes set bigger goals for their last four weeks

We'd love a review!
A labor of love. We'd love your honest review!
Aloha, everybody! Michelle here. Guess what? This week we're going into the second half of the Kick Fat in the Ass Spring 2015 Challenge.

I had our ninjettes reflect on the first month, the amazing strides they've made and select some new goals to conquer.
So many of their original goals have already been achieved in four weeks of complete dedication.

We Need Your Help 

Have time for a review?

Before the fat burning babes take over, I was hoping you might lend us a helping hand?

As you know, the book was and is a labor of love. It survives with only word-of-mouth support because of the powerful heath and body composition results so many women from all walks of life have achieved with the protocol. We don't spend our nickels on marketing, we spend it researching and testing for the population left in the dark when it comes healthy, sustainable fat loss. Of course, I'm talking about women.

We appreciate your honest reviews on Amazon as they are our greatest vehicle for spreading awareness about No Fail Fat Burning for Women. If you enjoy the blog and the work we're trying to do, we'd sincerely appreciate your honest review on Amazon here. Thanks so much. Now, on the with the show!

New Goals for May & the Last Month of the Challenge


R.N. is taking on a heavy lifting routine this month!
When I started this journey my goals were to lose weight and end my lifetime obsessions over dieting and food. I have made incredible strides. 

I've finally been able to make choices that are right for me to reach my goals. In the past I would go out to eat with friends and no matter how I told myself I wouldn't indulge and I'd make healthy choices, I'd fail. Everyone else was indulging and I didn't want to stand out. 

This past weekend I went out with friends and made the choices best for me and my goals.

I've stopped obsessing over food. I have not thought about when I am going to be able to have chocolate or ice cream. I don't want it and I don't even get those cravings anymore. Never in my life have I gone this long without these "treats." Nor have I ever gone this long without the craving for sweets.

I am in complete awe of what I have accomplished in only a month. When we began the fat loss challenge I didn't think I could persevere for four weeks. Now I'm heading into the second month  believing in myself, trusting in myself and trusting the process. I have created new habits that will help me reach my goals and live beyond the obsession and struggle. I finish this month strong! I'm looking forward to getting even physically and mentally stronger now that I know I can accomplish anything.

Kim K.

Bottom- 3/1/15. Top 5/5/15
As I head in to the second half of this journey, or what I consider the lifestyle change portion, I feel like my goals are still the same but a bit easier to obtain.

I am not as focused on the end of May deadline now. I'm thinking more long term. I'm happy about how far I've come and now know that I can get where I want to be ultimately.

This is a huge relief for me because I was starting to feel I couldn’t control what was happening to my body. I hated where I was headed.

Honestly, when I started I wasn’t really sure if I could make it ten days without diet coke, wine, beer, pasta, sugar, fresh bread, and most fruit from my diet (and I could keep going). I was so surprised to find how easy it was to delete these items from my life and not miss them AT ALL (well I miss the wine and beer a little bit).

I still can’t believe how much better I feel. I kind of look back and realize that my grouchy attitude and constantly feeling bloated was all due to my diet. I feel like I was slowly poisoning myself with what I thought was healthy food choices. My biggest change though is not focusing on the scale at all any longer and learning to slow down and trust the process.

I used to weigh myself daily. If I went up a pound it would derail any progress I made. Now I strictly go by how I feel,  how my clothes fit, and how my skin looks. I can honestly ignore the negative chatter from people about what I am doing because I KNOW how I feel and they may not understand it.

During the next four weeks I would really like to dial it in and up a notch and try some new things that I have not done before. This is the first time in my life that I feel like I am in complete control of my diet and can control what I eat and drink. I want to workout really hard and see muscle definition and feel like I finish the end of the challenge as strong as possible.

Want to read more about Kim's journey? Check out her personal blog.


Susan hit her two month fat loss goal in one month.
I'm really excited this program means I can still work out and continue to meet my goals without compromising my entire lifestyle. The irony is, I’ve changed so many parts of it already!

By drastically changing my diet, I changed my routine and schedule while also decreasing my rigidity. I know how important flexibility is for mental health and I think a million doors have been opened that I thought were beyond my capabilities. My anxiety has decreased (especially Sunday sadness) and I think of all the things I am capable of, instead of feeling stuck.

Moving forward, I want even more confidence in my ability to modify my diet and exercise according to weekly needs.

I'd like to continue correcting the hormone imbalances that cause my fatigue and skin disorder. I would like to be able to have a drink with friends (just a Tito’s) without thinking I’ve sabotaged it all (in the future, not now, I know). I'm learning to find the right balance of carbs, fat, and protein on a daily basis to help plan for meals and vacations. I also want to learn how to change things up in the future to keep my body guessing.  I read something Skye wrote about needing to do that in the future. I still want to meditate more but I have started doing it at work when I get ticked off and at night if I wake up. I’d like to continue to feel more confident in my clothes by decreasing bodyfat and adding shape with lean mass. I also want to continue to grow my confidence in knowing I don’t have to “give up” because of my age or injuries.

Have You Hit a Fat Loss Plateau?

Need Help With Your No Fail Fat Burning for Women Protocol?

Email for personalized coaching today 

A lot of times all it takes is a minor adjustment for major change.

  • Or, like the ladies above, you want someone who's going to work with you daily. 
  • You're serious about achieving your bodyfat and health goals using proven, powerful science specifically for women.
  • You're frustrated with fad diets and fat loss gimmicks that only make you gain weight and become depressed when they're no longer sustainable.
If you're ready to be a Fat Burning, Hormone Balancing Babe at any age, I can help. Much aloha,
Michelle Burleson
Let's get you fit for life!

Together we'll get you there.
Get Personalized No Fail Fat Burning Coaching

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Please share with other strong women who want the health of their lives. 
The body you want is the body you deserve. Thanks a million!


  1. Love reading these updates and seeing real women making real changes. Where is the latest update on Connie? Didn't see her mentioned here?

  2. I agree. What these women have made the choice to achieve is nothing but phenomenal. I appreciate you writing in as every single woman out there needs to know that the change is possible for ANY woman who CHOOSES to act in service to her highest self (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health). Give me any woman who is not going to let anything stand in the way of her success -- hell or highwater -- and I will show you a woman who can make any dream a reality. All the science and tools are there. But the bottom line is bringing the heart, commitment, preparation, and laser-focus on the goal. It's simple but it's not always easy.
    Connie has been improving food choices and starting to do the prescribed exercise. She hasn't been as active of a contributor or participant as members of the other challenge team so we sometimes don't hear from her. Michelle tells me she's gotten refocused and rededicated to her fitness goals and will be using the next month to make bigger strides. Thank you so much for your feedback. Let's hear it for all of these women.

  3. These posts have motivated me so much. I am 14 days in, 6 lbs lighter but most importantly my clothes are getting looser and I am retaining my muscle. Very happy about this! 6 lbs may not sound a lot but I started at 140 lbs but I am 5'5". I do not want this to be about the scale however. I just feel better and more energetic. That my clothes are looser is simply the icing on the cake. I found that during the first week I lost 1 or 2 lbs that kept going back and forth. It was not until the end of the second week that I saw a big difference in my clothes. My struggles right now include getting full very quickly to the point that it is embarrassing when I am eating lunch with a friend or dinner home with family. I just get filled up so much quicker with hardly any food. I am also battling on and off again nausea. I try to eat more fat to get rid of it and sometimes it works.

    As for the ketosticks, toward the end of week one I finally showed a trace of ketosis, but on day 13 I finally hit moderate ketosis with the sticks. It took me a bit longer I think and not sure why. I did consume raw coconut during week one and I think this slowed me down so I stopped week two. I am learning what my body agrees with. Anyway, I am looking forward to my fat burning journey. Really glad I heard about this way of life and bought it on my kindle for less than $6.00!!! I think I will pitch all of my 'diet' books that cost me so much. lol

  4. Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story with all of us. AND.... congratulations on your success! It sounds like you truly understand the protocol and the very, very, very important fact that the scale is not the best indicator of progress. There are too many fluctuating variables for a scale to be a solid indicator of overall fat loss and lean muscle gain progress. Just this morning I had a client report a 1.8lb scale weight loss which is great... this lets me know we're preserving muscle while we mobilize excess body fat to burn as fuel. The big news about her numbers this morning is a three inch and almost a quarter of a percent of body fat loss in six days. It's absolutely phenomenal.

    All we have to do is make the choice to commit 100% to change and take action. We're doing our best to make the science and information inexpensive, understandable and available to every woman who's had it with the bullshit (and dangerous) diet fads and fear mongering marketing that preys on a woman's self-esteem and distorts body image ideals.

    If you want a cheap and easy way of tracking that you're actually losing fat, take your body part measurements. Note the places where your body tends to store excess fat. For most women it's the belly and thighs. Everyone is different. Measure those areas at the same time every week, first thing in the morning before consuming liquid and after going to the bathroom (and NOT after having safe starches or during your period).

    The nausea may be a bit of keto flu, the cellular cleansing process of autophagy and your body healing itself from inflammatory food addictions. Make sure you're getting a gallon of water a day to help your kidneys and liver flush out the garbage. Get plenty of himalayan pink salt and have your magnesium and potassium at night. As your body is making this transition to learning to use fats for fuel instead of sugar, you may want to take an enzyme like Betaine HCL (available anywhere) until you've fully flipped on the fat burning switch.

    A note about keto strips: they're pretty much garbage. A ketonix breathalyzer is your much more accurate bet. Keto strips only measure acetone and not BHB. So, a lot of times you'll be in deep ketosis but the strip gives a false reading.

    Again, thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. Each of our journeys are powerful and important. Keep on crushing it and keep us posted!

  5. Also keep in mind that after our initial water weight loss, we lose fat in chunks and in fits and starts... also off different body part areas. What you're doing with the nutrition and its timing is creating an environment to cajole your fat cells into releasing the fat they're storing. Fat mobilization. Once we can get those cells to set the fat inside them free, that's when can get at it and start burning it. That's a simplified explanation but hope that makes sense. The people I work with who don't succeed tend not to grasp that in the end, these are biological processes of cause and effect. It's kinda just that simple. The more lean body mass (including muscle) and less body fat we have will determine how carbs and crappy food react in our systems. When we're in a state of metabolic derangement and our systems are running on a steady diet of garbage, there's not a lot of room for error if you're serious about getting healthy and making a change.

    When people start the protocol and then don't adhere to it as prescribed, they think having to go back to day one is some sort of punishment. It's not a punishment. It's the reality that whatever upward trend you start by nourishing yourself in a biologically appropriate way, those processes halt and reverse once you've introduced an inflammatory substance into your body. There are damage control hacks, for sure. But we can't be in a constant state of emergency measures. The people who I see succeed are prepared, serious and self-determined. I just point the way with what I know but they are the ones who bring it 100% every day. They don't make excuses. They make change. With this kind of mindset, every single woman is unstoppable.



It's pretty simple: if you have nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Manners and politeness still count even when we're tucked safely away behind our screens. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and questions!