Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Exercise + Eating “High-Fat”... For Women!

Hi Fat Burning Babes worldwide! This is Michelle (IG: @michelleburleson). I had a blast talking with Leanne Vogel on the Healthful Pursuit show this week!

We discussed carb re-feeding, the minimum amount of exercise for effective fat loss and more.

Healthful Pursuit on Instagram: @healthfulpursuit  

Healthful Pursuit Blog:

No Fail Fat Burning for Women on Instagram: @no_fail_fat_burning

P.S. Early Announcement!*

Get a Fat Burning Buddy and reserve your space for 4 Weeks to Fat Loss! 

*Very limited space available. 8/1 - 8/31/15. Results vary. Get Personalized No Fail Fat Burning Coaching


I want to tell you that YES, you truly CAN achieve your optimal health
and physique --- even after childbirth, menopause or hysterectomy.

  • You DON'T have to starve
  • You DON'T have to run yourself into the ground exercising for hours.
  • You DON'T have to feel hopeless, lethargic, embarrassed, and ashamed. (I felt all those things once, too.)
And you DEFINITELY don't need to feel alone and lost on your journey to your ultimate physical and emotional health.

Most of my clients come to me in despair and leave as the fitter, stronger, driven women they buried deep inside.

IMAGINE how you'd look and feel with the right coaching and nutrition protocol tailored specifically to your biological fingerprint...

  • Your unhealthy yo-yo dieting and depression would be replaced by FAT
    AND INCHES LOST, MUSCLE GAINED and EVERY DAY inspiration and learning
    almost immediately...
  • Your FREE TIME from hours on the treadmill while you build the body
    you deserve and achieve hormonal balance by feeding your body heavenly
    foods in the most biologically appropriate ways...
  • You can FINALLY start getting CONSISTENT, LIFE-CHANGING and
    PERMANENT results for a lifetime of fitness and a physique that makes
    you feel good from the inside out.
AND if you use a nutrition protocol like the one we tailor and teach our private one-on-one clients...

  • You can do ALL of this WITHOUT starving, eating rabbit food, feeling
    outcast in social situations, spending all your time exercising or just
    about anything else the FDA and commercial fitness industry has you
    believing in order to have the body you desire!
If you want to make these kinds of changes for YOUR body, for your life, the first step is to reserve your space NOW. 

  • For only $225 (a $2500 value) it can all begin on August 1, 2015! Grab a fat burning buddy for accountability and reserve your space today!

I'll show you EXACTLY how to eat, exercise, and strengthen emotional and
mental associations with healthy foods so you can have the physique you
deserve and desire.

  • It all begins Saturday, August 1, 2015. What do you have to
    lose besides body fat? What do you have to gain besides strong, sexy
    muscle, self-esteem, confidence and health?

Your life-changing FAT LOSS journey empowers every facet of your life, every step of the
way. You'll have a private community of strong, supportive women empowering themselves JUST LIKE YOU.
Private Client Before and After

Here's the catch, though...

It doesn't serve me or you to sugarcoat things. You MUST have the
resources to invest in yourself, be drop-dead serious about your
commitment and willingness to work. If you know in your heart this is you, don't wait to reserve your space now>>>.


Choose transformation. Choose your highest self.  It's never too late to be a Fat Burning Babe!

You don't get what you wish for. You get what you work for.

If you're ready to be a FAT BURNING, HORMONE BALANCING babe at any age, I can help. 

You are not a damsel in distress. You are the HERO of your story.

Much aloha,


 Let's get you fit for life!Together we'll get you there.

Get Personalized No Fail Fat Burning Coaching

Find this No Fail Fat Burning For Women post helpful?
Please share with other strong women who want the health of their lives. 
The body you want is the body you deserve. Thanks a million!


  1. Hello Michelle,
    I really want to do sign up for the program.
    But I a little scared. I have been following a low carb "Paleo Diet" For over a year now. And like some say I hit a wall. I had to introduce carbs back because I wasn't eating them hardly. Also when I fast with bullet proof coffee, I am a lunatic by the end of the day and that with me eating my first meal at around 1ish -2pm. I was exercising I still do at least 4 times a week with HIITs and some plyos. But I for the life of me could not get the weight down. I have discovered that my BMR is 1500 cals. Anyways Im concerned because now that I am eating low carb and watching my calories I have finally lost some weight.

    Thank You

    1. Hi there, Julie! Thanks so much for taking the time to write and share your story. Women "hitting the wall" on a 'Paleo' diet after some success in the beginning is all too common. I've come to expect it to be the norm for women over 30 in general.

      If you're familiar with No Fail Fat Burning for Women, we don't really give two tears in a bucket about calories. It's an antiquated way of measuring energy and not all calories are created equal. Therefore, counting and/or restricting them is here nor there and for most women, ends up with a huge amount of muscle wasting, a huge gain in body fat when the calorie restrictions are no longer sustainable, and then the look of being skinny fat because that precious, hard-earned and metabolically expensive muscle was sacrificed in order to meet some random number of calories. Also, keep in mind that when you're on one of those gym treadmills that asks you for your overall scale weight in order to calculate calories burned, what it's doing is calculating your BMR. Say at the end of your time on the treadmill it says you burned 300 calories. That's not 300 calories above your BMR. That's 300 calories burned including your BMR. Then people feel like they've "earned" some sort of inflammatory toxic treat because they think they've produced a deficit. They haven't. For more on the calorie myth, I highly recommend Gary Taubes' "Good Calories, Bad Calories" that you can find here:

      I understand being scared about trying a different approach. That's completely natural and I have clients that tend to being from two different places: 1. Gung ho and excited to kick some serious fat in the ass; and 2. Trepidation because fat loss and fitness has been such an uncertain, unforgiving and complicated battle. Both are valid.

      Keep in mind I have no interest in getting you skinny or your scale weight. My goal is to empower you with a sustainable, simple, satisfying nutrition protocol that primes your body for mobilizing body fat to be burned and muscle to be gained. The key to burning body fat is regaining muscle mass we begin to lose in our 30's and beyond. Once we gain that muscle back we gain shape and become metabolically efficient. This can go well into old age. The mistake women make is excess cardio exercise that eats away at muscle. I know the heart's in the right place but you can't run east looking for the sunset. In the same way, you can't spin your wheels with steady state cardio and restrict calories thinking it's going to drop body fat. It may drop scale weight but those are two VERY different things.

      You say you've lost weight via calorie restriction but do you know if that weight is muscle, fat, or fluid? If it's the former, once your calorie restriction is over I can guarantee you the fat gain will return in spades because you will have less muscle to burn and store glycogen.

      I'd love to have you with us in August so I can lay the foundation and empower you -- day by day for thirty-one days -- for your permanent and sustainable fat loss and muscle gain. Every woman who completes the monthly program gets results. But more than that, she gets the tools to breakthrough past barriers. Achieving what you wants is no longer an uphill grind but an exciting, life-affirming, FUN, journey. Doesn't mean there won't be speed bumps but nobody has ever failed who follows through on the fat burning protocol. There's before and pics all over the blog but if you'd like references from former clients who started right where you are, I'd be happy to provide. Hope to have you join the community in August, but if not, I wish you much health, happiness and strength in all you endeavor.

    2. Hi Michelle!

      Thank you so much for getting back to me. I feel like I have been drowning and when I read one of your post that you went to the doctor about your weight gain and they had no clue. I feel the same way. They didn't want to discuss hormones at all. In fact my doctor put me on the 1000 cal a day diet after finding out that my BMR is 1500. Because I told her that I wasn't able to lose the last 10-15 lbs that I want to lose and if I have a little more to eat on the weekend I gain it all back.
      I guess I am naieve I didn't realize how hard it was to loose my weight and to keep it off.
      I am going to be 40 next month and like you said I see that its getting harder to lose.
      I do need the tools.
      References would be great. I think that they would just help motivate me in the right direction.
      Again thank you so much for taking the time to write me back...I have been in tears trying to find what works for me.

      Thank You

  2. Michelle did you get my reply? I don't want to post again :-).


    1. Hi Julie. Thanks for writing in again. All of our comments are moderated and we cannot always get to them immediately. Please see the response above.

  3. Ok! I did it I signed up!!!

  4. Dear Michelle-
    We need more women like you in the world! Thank you and Leanne for that interview. I am sharing it with all my friends! Me, my mom and sister have been following the spring fat loss challenge and that motivated us to get our butts and start burning fat so we signed up for the August challenge! Can't wait to start kicking ass with you soon!


  5. Michelle/Skye are you superhero gals having another challenge? I'm so bummed I just chanced upon this three months too late. ;( I got into the Bulletproof lifestyle in September 2015 and have been biohacking and experimenting and reading, cross referencing etc. SSJ's book is the best BP spin off book I've read ! I am 21.6 BF weighing 110 LBM 86.24 lbs. I have some muscle tone, but would like to get my BF down. I'm practicing BPIF and doing twice a week HIIT with dinner carb refeed. I am looking for guidance with muscle building and supplements. Is there another challenge or can I hire you as a fitness coach and pay your professional services? ;)

    1. Hi Elizabeth -
      We'll be coming out with a powerful advancement to the No Fail Fat Burning for Women protocol shortly. Be on the lookout!



It's pretty simple: if you have nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Manners and politeness still count even when we're tucked safely away behind our screens. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and questions!