The Two Month Spring 2015 Kick Fat in the Ass Challenge Ends
===> Register for the August 4 Weeks to Fat Loss here. <===
How did the remaining 3 Fat Burning Babes do?
First there were four. Then there were three. For eight weeks,
We officially ended on Sunday, May 31. I gotta say it's been weird not having Kim, R.N., and Susan as a part of my every day life this week. Looking back on where they were only two months ago and everything they've accomplished, gained (and of course, lost) blows me away.
I pushed them hard the last two weeks because the foundation is now there to take them to the next levels of strength and fitness. I wanted them to see the once-impossible-feats they can knock out now with ease.
This last week our physical challenge was 300 kettlebell swings a day. Then, one day, Kim did 330. Then R.N. did 400. Susan followed suit by upping her kettlebell weights. Then we all did it.
On April 1 this was impossible. On May 31 it was a fun little fat-burning, muscle-building fitness game.
PLEASE HEAR AND BELIEVE ME: (this is my way of yelling in prose)
Below are the final journal entries and numbers of the Spring 2015 Kick Fat in the Ass participants. Before I hand you over to them, I want to share with you what I told them the other day. Because I truly mean it. I think all of you who've been following along can agree:Ladies, when you decide that nothing will stand in the way of what you want to achieve, you will get there. I promise you. It's not about comparing yourself to others. It's about making your mind your servant and not your master. That goes for anything worth having or becoming in your life, at any age.
We get a lot of emails about when there will be another challenge. This challenge was done for the upcoming book. It's not something we do regularly as there are only so many hours in the day and our private clients come first. We've been talking about creating a private online community that's not as intensive as the one-on-one coaching but you'll still receive exclusive nutrition and training help. We're also looking at financing options to make private, one-on-one coaching a reality for those who are serious but don't have the budget. Stay tuned.
"I just want to sincerely thank you guys for allowing me to be a part of your journeys. I do not take it lightly and you all have inspired me (and thousands of others) every single day. I cannot express how much your commitment, work ethic, open mindedness and support for each other has left me in awe. Each of you are incredible, strong and unparalleled women that can make anything happen. Thanks for sharing these two months with me (and the world)."
Ok, I lied. There's one more thing I wanted to talk about before I hand you over to the Fat Burning Babes.
I have a private client who also finished a one-month training intensive in May. She got a DEXA at the beginning of her thirty days and another this past weekend. What difference does this make?
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Don't throw in the towel when you haven't had a DEXA |
things. When you only go by the scale as a measure of success, you are getting a drop of water vs. the entire ocean. If we went by her scale weight alone, she lost two overall pounds.
This would send most women over the edge and make them want to quit and head for the Hersheys. And that would be a travesty of epic proportions. Why?
Because the DEXA also shows she gained 1.4lbs of lean muscle. In 30 days. Incredible. This woman was prepared, determined, insanely busy with career, husband, and three year old. Not only did she execute her training to gain 1.4lbs of shapely, strong muscle, she also lost 9.7 inches and 1.2% body fat. In thirty days. She bought a sleeveless shirt for the first time in forever for a hard-earned and well-deserved vacation.
She made those strides because she chose it for herself. She's going to keep on crushing it. Doesn't mean there aren't crappy days. It means you show up on those crappy days and make a deposit into your account... no matter how small.
Someone asked me how to make their scale weight drop. It's simple. Starve yourself. Do hours of cardio every day. Don't lift anything heavy.
However, if you want to see fat drop and muscle grow, do the opposite. Your scale might not move much but you'll look damn good in those "goal" jeans collecting cobwebs in your closet.
Remember: you're not a damsel in distress. You're the hero of your story.
Don't wish for it. Work for it.
Yours in resilience, strength and sticks of butter,
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R.N. |
Two Month Loss Totals:
- 16.5 inches
- 4% body fat
- 8 lbs
This experience has shown me I am capable of change. While some things will remain the same and will continue to be a challenge, I have accomplished things that I never thought I would or could.
am not obsessing over my next meal or experiencing cravings. I believe
this is because I am not restricting my calories and I am eating real
food and good fat. I am conscious of my food intake but I do not cut
my calories or starve my body.
I may not see a
change in my body everyday or week and some days I maybe discouraged but
I believe and trust in myself and in the process.
continued challenge will be my mind. It tries to convince me that I
should go off the rails; that I'm not going to make it; that "why do you
think you are going to be successful this time when you haven't been in
the past?" This will continue to be a challenge but I have strategies to
help me work through the conversations in my mind. I repeat my
affirmations, I remember that my goals are important and I try to start
each day with a meditation.
I have said
this before, but thank you, Michelle, for your constant and consistent
support and inspiration. That's the other factor that got me
this far!
Susan G. Two Month Loss Totals:
- 4.25 inches lost
- 2.3% body fat lost
- 1.5 lbs scale weight gained (unfortunately the weigh-in was on Day 26 of her cycle. Hello water!) Another reason why the scale is a mindf*ck. Those are some damn good numbers. the closer we get to our goal body fat percentages, the tougher it is to mobilize those last bits to burn. Look at the muscle definition!
My skin, hair, and nails are stronger and shinier than they have ever been. It will be six months since I've had artificial sweeteners, soda, and gum. I never have the hunger pains I once did. I know I can change anything now.
Prior to January I didn't eat a carb heavy diet. I never ate sugar but I knew I wasn’t healthy. I watched friends and family suffer from diseases. I worried about the level of fatigue I chronically experienced, in addition to the health of my endocrine and nervous systems.
I knew something needed to change; I just wasn’t sure what to do. I feel so lucky that I was allowed to participate in this challenge.
My hormones and gut health will continue to need some help but I’m working on it. I think I am experiencing hormones in a way that was previously unfamiliar and it has been interesting figuring out how to deal with them. I know I need to control my stress and cortisol levels but I have to admit that I let the stress run away with me a few times.
My hormones and gut health will continue to need some help but I’m working on it. I think I am experiencing hormones in a way that was previously unfamiliar and it has been interesting figuring out how to deal with them. I know I need to control my stress and cortisol levels but I have to admit that I let the stress run away with me a few times.
I became obsessive, distraught, and then just sad. I can't say this was the result of my hormones specifically, but I know I need to meditate, breathe, and calm myself down when this happens. I also think that I need to recognize true hunger. It’s a different, unfamiliar feeling but I need to pay attention to it. Food is not something to deny myself, I need to trust what I am feeling; trust the process.
I am beyond happy that this nutrition protocol does not mean that I have to give up the gym or running. I just have to time it right and feed my body properly. Now that the challenge is over, I will have to continue the things that made me successful.
I am beyond happy that this nutrition protocol does not mean that I have to give up the gym or running. I just have to time it right and feed my body properly. Now that the challenge is over, I will have to continue the things that made me successful.
I need to remember that it doesn’t get easier, we just get stronger. I need to meditate and keep life in perspective. I am healthier and that was, and still is, the most important goal.
Three Month Loss Totals:
- 32.9 inches
- 8% body fat
- 18.8 lbs
I am no longer hungry, tired and cranky all the time. The crappy way I used to feel is like a past life for me now. I really learned to listen to my body because it does tell you what works and what doesn't.
Drinking water with lemon all day is a new must for me. It's fairly easy to drink a gallon every day without thinking about it. My coffee breakfast is my favorite and I view it as a real treat. It's easy and a no-brainer in the morning, so it makes getting my three young ones, myself and my husband ready for the day less hectic. It's great. I don't see changing things up any time soon but if I ever need/want to, I now know how.
I enjoy my lifting routine. My workouts don't require hours at the gym to see real results. I've learned to push myself physically and really make the most out of the workout. No more chronic cardio! It's all about the weights now! I love that I'm building muscle.
I've learned that I can travel, eat out, and socialize while staying focused. The No Fail Fat Burning for Women nutrition hack has become a simple routine. When I originally started the protocol in March I set the goal to stick with it until my birthday. I know now I'll stick with it forever!
P.S. Early Announcement!*
Get a Fat Burning Buddy and reserve your space for the Kick Fat in the Ass August Odyssey!
I want to tell you that YES, you truly CAN achieve your optimal health and physique --- even after menopause or hysterectomy.
- You DON'T have to starve
- You DON'T have to run yourself into the ground exercising for hours.
- You DON'T have to feel hopeless, lethargic, embarrassed, and ashamed. (I felt all those things once, too.)
Most of my clients come to me in despair and leave as the fitter, stronger, driven women they buried deep inside.
IMAGINE how you'd look and feel with the right coaching and nutrition protocol tailored specifically to your biological fingerprint...
- Your unhealthy yo-yo dieting and depression would be replaced by FAT AND INCHES LOST, MUSCLE GAINED and EVERY DAY inspiration and learning almost immediately...
- Your FREE TIME from hours on the treadmill while you build the body you deserve and achieve hormonal balance by feeding your body heavenly foods in the most biologically appropriate ways...
- You can FINALLY start getting CONSISTENT, LIFE-CHANGING and PERMANENT results for a lifetime of fitness and a physique that makes you feel good from the inside out.
- You can do ALL of this WITHOUT starving, eating rabbit food, feeling outcast in social situations, spending all your time exercising or just about anything else the FDA and commercial fitness industry has you believing in order to have the body you desire!
- For only $225 (a $2500 value) it can all begin on August 1, 2015! Grab a fat burning buddy for accountability and reserve your space today!
I'll show you EXACTLY how to eat, exercise, and strengthen emotional and mental associations with healthy foods so you can have the physique you deserve and desire.
- It all begins Saturday, August 1, 2015. What do you have to lose besides body fat? What do you have to gain besides strong, sexy muscle, self-esteem, confidence and health?
Your life-changing FAT LOSS journey empowers every facet of your life, every step of the way. You'll have a private community of strong, supportive women empowering themselves JUST LIKE YOU.
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Private Client Before and After |
Here's the catch, though...
It doesn't serve me or you to sugarcoat things. You MUST have the resources to invest in yourself, be drop-dead serious about your commitment and willingness to work. If you know in your heart this is you, don't wait to reserve your space now>>>.
Choose transformation. Choose your highest self. It's never too late to be a Fat Burning Babe!
You don't get what you wish for. You get what you work for.
If you're ready to be a FAT BURNING, HORMONE BALANCING babe at any age, I can help.
You are not a damsel in distress. You are the HERO of your story.
Much aloha,
Find this No Fail Fat Burning For Women post helpful?
Please share with other strong women who want the health of their lives.
The body you want is the body you deserve. Thanks a million!
Wow ladies...just wow. Im learning not to rely on my scale, not to talk down to myself for not being perfect, and to treat my mind and body the way it deserves to be treated. You are all so inspiring and I look forward to seeing your ongoing successes.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michelle, Skye and Fat Loss Babes for all the inspiration and knowledge you've shared! I've been struggling with a paleo/low carb diets for years and now realized it's all built for men with the ladies left out in the cold! After I initially went "paleo" I lost a few pounds and then.... nothing. After the holidays my weight crept back up, especially in my midsection so I know I was gaining unhealthy body fat. It was until I found the book and then really started following Michelle's tips on the blog that I noticed my strength and muscle tone increasing AND I've dropped 12 inches 3% bodyfat!!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all of you! You have saved my life and given me my figure back after years of wasted effort and frustration! I hope to be able to work one on one with you in the future when you're free! THANK YOU!