Thursday, February 19, 2015

Your No Fail Fat Burning for Women Questions and Answers Coming Soon!

Feb 19, 2015

Hello there!
Recovered from holidays, whirlwind work travel,  and -ugh- unplanned accident/surgery. Actually, who plans an accident? If you do, you better make it good. Biohacking my way quickly back to health. Amazing what we can do for ourselves to accelerate recovery. Anyway, I hope this finds all of you crushing it on your journey to your most badass selves in 2015.

I appreciate all the emails (not the psycho/scary/obsessively repetitive and demanding ones --- those I do come across get marked as spam and blocked. Don't jam my inbox with toxic words and behavior. I will call your crazy out).

I digress, I truly appreciate your support for the book, but most of all, taking the time to share your stories. As many of you know, No Fail Fat Burning for Women was a labor of love for the women in my life and all the women who felt like there was no hope when it came to weight loss, health and body composition, especially as we get older.  The book is not a marketing vehicle to hock my products (I don't have any) nor is it a profit center. I self-published the book at my own expense so I could have all the information in one place. I do realize there are issues with the Kindle formatting, especially Chapter Six. I have made that version freely available here. Hope that helps! Now stop writing hate mail about formatting and go publish your own book if that doesn't cream the corn for ya. I guess I could've gone the publisher route and charge a ridiculous amount of money but this isn't how I make my living. Science, yes. Selling books and snake oil? No. Poor little snakes and their oil.

I have conversed with many of you. I am so invigorated and inspired by your results. But most of all, your willingness to take a chance, dedicate, commit, and try.  It blows my skirt up to see women who truly want to  take charge and make a change. Taking the wheel of their lives. Not complaining and not cutting corners. Complaining - a sage mentor once told me when I was the only one at my pity party - is just someone's way of not taking responsibility for their experience. You ladies out there of all ages, -- from pro athletes to grandmothers who want their groove back -- you rock the shit out of my party. You are my tribe.

Like a lot of the meta in our lives, there are many paths to the same destination. No one's journey is going to look exactly alike although there's going to be a lot in common. The most common questions I receive I will tackle here as time permits. I, too, have career, friends, family, dry cleaning that needs to picked up, electronic devices that need to be put down. Digital detox is my jam this year and I love it. Reconnecting to real life before the virtual one keeps you stuck inside on a beautiful day. I'm determined to stop staring at the phone and start trying to truly see the good things going on right in front of me... most of the time.

I have some exciting stuff to share that I'm hacking right now. N=1, baby! It's a result of recovering quickly from the accident and the corresponding antibiotics that went along with it.

So, I'll see you here again soon. In the meantime, don't ever stop rocking the shit out of the earth. If you've slipped up on the New Year's resolutions, guess what? It's Chinese New Year! You get a do-over because this is a melting pot after all. For the record, we always get do overs til we're dead. And who knows, maybe even then.

Rock on, sistas.

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It's pretty simple: if you have nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Manners and politeness still count even when we're tucked safely away behind our screens. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and questions!