Saturday, March 21, 2015

Lost 7lbs in 10 Days; Skipping Carb Re-Feed; Not Hungry; Cocktail for Better Sleep; Weightlifting & Cardio; More

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Michelle here on a beautiful, sunny Santa Cruz morning. Got a great lift in at o-dark-thirty with my trainer, Joey Wolfe, of Paradigm Sport. If you're ever in Santa Cruz, check out the facility. Serious fitness for serious athletes from all walks of life. This video about Paradigm Sport below makes me want to paddle out and lasso a Great White. That's a joke. I would never abuse marine life.

Clearly my post -workout insulin spike protein shake is kicking in. But watch this for some inspiration to keep you pumped and on point this weekend:

Before we get to some Q&A's, let's do some housecleaning:

  1. Thank you to everyone applying for the Kick Fat in the Ass Spring Challenge. Your desires to take action for positive change are humbling, moving and inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us. The deadline for throwing your hat in the ring for one of 15 spots is tomorrow, Sunday, March 22 at 11:59pm PST. All the info is here. We all started somewhere. That leads me to.....

  2. We did all start somewhere. The awesome thing about the No Fail Fat Burning for Women protocol is that it's for all women, all ages, all shapes. It's not titled "No Fail Fat Burning for Women Born with Six Packs, Trust Fund, Nanny, Sample Size, Live in Maid, Olympic Gold
    See what happens when you worship false idols?
    Medalists, Never Wants a Glass of Wine and Hates All Carbs." Granted, the protocol is also for that mythical siren mentioned above but don't think for one hot second that you are not capable of achieving a healthy, strong, sexy, lean physique.... and anything else for that matter. There are enough miserable shitheads in this world to make you doubt yourself. Don't let your inner voice be one of them.

  3. I can't say it enough, but if you want to cut fat, get off the damn cardio machines. Quit the constant, steady-state running. Stop wasting your valuable time while raising cortisol that makes you gain weight. Those ellipticals, treadmills, etc aren't working.  That's the short of it. I'll go into detail in a future blog post. Now, onto the show! Please turn off your cell phones and no flash photography, folks. BTW, someone wrote in an Amazon review that Skye's writing makes her eyes roll. Ha. Then mine must make you want to retch. Oh well. Retch away, haters!

Q: I've completed the ten (11) day carb depletion.  I say 11 because yesterday was day ten and after I got home from work with my two little ones, my son proceeded to puke all over the living room floor.  This, of course, ruined any plans I had for the evening.  I figured that extending the carb depletion for one day was better than eating carbs with no workout.  I have had some success (7 scale pounds) and feel great.  I'm not hungry.  I have energy.  The 10 days were not without its challenges.  I got my period 7 days early on day 5 and I found out that I have a raging sinus infection.  I live in the Northeast where we've had an epic winter that just won't go away.  With two little ones (2 and 4), we've been sick pretty much since January.  It's one after the other.  Nevertheless I persevered and did not cheat.  I wasn't even tempted.

Ok--so now to my question.  I have been breaking the fast at 1:00.  Sometimes 12:30 on the weekend so that I can eat lunch with the family.  And then we have dinner around 6:00.  And then I don't eat again.  So it's more like a 19 hour fast, instead of 16.  Am I doing myself a disservice by not eating something else right before 9:00?  Or should I be breaking my fast earlier in order to fall more closely inline with a 16 hour fast?  The thing is I'm not really hungry.  It seems that with every day my appetite dwindles and I don't want to eat big meals.

I really want to thank you.  I have always said, I just want someone to tell me what to do and I will do it.  And here it is.  The other thing that is really great about this program is that I don't have to hide.  A huge part of my failure in the past has been having to make 2 different meals (one for me and one for the fam).  I've always felt shame in dieting, or eating weird.  I don't want to be around people who are going to ask why I am eating what I am eating.  But this is good normal food.  I just don't feel like I am screaming that I am on a diet (or eating to lose weight).

A: First, aside from the hell winter (I guess there's really no hell in winter until it freezes over), the puke disaster (hope your son is okay) and the sinus infection (hope you're recovered, too), it sounds like you've got the protocol dialed in perfectly. I'll wait while you pat yourself on the back. Seven pounds in ten days is FANTASTIC. Make sure you're keeping track of body fat percentage first and foremost.

Second, what you seem to have discovered is what I love about the protocol. When followed properly your hormone levels normalize (oversimplifying it here) and signal the right messages to your brain and the rest of your body.  Makes it so much easier to tune in. Especially when it comes to hunger. Brava!

The next time a child's puke disaster hits (or any other disaster) don't skip your carb re-feed, even if you can't do the workout. I say this because:

  1. Disasters tend to be stressful and you've stressed your body (not in a bad way) with carb depletion. Allow yourself those safe starches in the evening. It will help handle the stress even from a psychological/reward point of view. And you'll get a better night's sleep.
  2. If you do the carb re-feed and absolutely can't get a workout in that same day, do the workout first thing the next morning.
    • nutrition first
    • exercise second
    • sleep, sleep, sleep ZZZZZzzzzzz
Back to listening to your body about hunger. Don't sweat it about going for a few more hours on the fast. When women do this correctly after completing the first ten days, I find I have to tell them to eat more rather than dealing with hunger pains. I think what you're doing is fine. Eat when you're hungry. On days I don't lift heavy I sometimes only eat once a day after intermittent fasting with the butter coffee. When you're hungry, eat. When you're not, don't. You've got it.

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
One thing I would suggest to have right before bed is the drink mentioned on page 71 of the book. I would add to that drink a splash of Bragg's raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and some stevia to taste. It tastes like a hot apple cider to me. That, combined with the recommended magnesium and potassium, is a power punch to accelerate your fat burn and deepen your rest.

I recommend this because sleep is when your body does the majority of its repair and fat burning. The ingredients in the drink fuel your body to do this. Moreover, they keep your brain energized allowing for deeper, higher quality sleep.

Keep up the fantastic work and keep us posted on your progress!

Q: I've been doing the bulletproof diet (not perfectly) for about a month. I did paleo prior to that. I stumbled across your book in one of the bulletproof forums. I just finished reading it and I'm going to start the 21 day plan this weekend. 

I had a question for you about the workouts. I usually workout 4-5 times a week in the morning with weights and only do cardio once or twice a week. I have been lifting heavy weights for about a year now so I have pretty good strength (although not the definition I would like). I split up what I'm working out on so I don't do the same muscle group twice a week. Would this be ok to continue to do in the morning and then add your cardio workouts twice a week in the evening or do I need to stop the other workout?

 I workout with a friend and really enjoy our morning workouts together. I also have been adding the bulletproof collagen to my coffee in the morning since I workout in the morning so I'm probably not intermittent fasting. I would appreciate any feedback!
A: Congrats on starting your journey! Taking action is everything. One of the things I'm SO excited about currently co-writing the follow up book to No Fail Fat Burning For Women is going deeper into training and nutrition for heavy lifters and competitive athletes. I talked a little about the program I'm doing now here. Not that it's about me or what I think you should be doing, but to give you an idea of different things we're doing to be featured in the book.

I'd like a little more info so I can answer your question fully. If possible, please respond in the comments below.

  1. You say you're not as defined as you'd like to be. Is your immediate goal to strip body fat for a more chiseled look or to add more lean mass? Of course, we all want both but if you could have one happen sooner than later, what would it be?
  2. What are you doing for cardio workouts and how long do they last?
  3. What is your age, height and current body fat? 
  4. What is your goal body fat?
As far as adding the collagen protein in the morning, Skye and I kinda differ on that... depending on who the person is. I don't know what your body fat/age is so I'm not going to speak to it just yet but if you're having collagen protein in the morning, then yes, you're breaking the fast. Not a bad thing necessarily but I need a bit more info. Look forward to hearing from you in the comments below.

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone! For those of you who have read the book, we'd love an honest review on Amazon to spread the word if you have a moment. It's much appreciated!

Remember: you're not a damsel in distress. You're the heroine of your story.

Yours in resilience, strength and sticks of butter!
Much aloha,

Want to continue the conversation? Comment below.


  1. Michelle-
    Here are the answers to your questions.

    1) I would say my immediate goal would be to strip body fat. I have muscle underneath that I would like to show. I don't want to be too chislled but I would like to see some definition without flexing.
    2) My cardio workout, before the book, for the last year has been mostly sprints. Last summer I did do a 3-5 miles run once a week. My sprints are for 20 minutes. I will walk for 45 seconds, run for 30 seconds and then sprint for 45 seconds. I will do that 10 times.
    3) I am almost 29 (yikes), 5'5, as far as me and my roommate could measure with the skin fold caliper is 26%.
    4) I would like to be between 18%-20%.

    Thank you so much for getting back to me! When does your book come out? I can't wait to read it! I am always changing my workout routine based on plans from the body building website. I would be interested to know what you recommend!

    1. Aloha, Erica!
      You know, I spent the last hour replying and for some reason I went to hit publish and it all disappeared into the ether...... ARGH! Let's give this another shot and hope it lives to survive on the Internets and Webs.

      I'm a staunch believer that nutrition and nutrient-timing are the bedrock to reaching your body composition goals... whether it's fat loss or lean mass gain. Rest and recovery are equally integral. Unfortunately - especially as women age (I'm 41 so don't feel so bad about turning 30) - the margin of leeway with poor food choices narrows. Men can get away with a lot more in that arena. However, no one of any gender can achieve the zenith of their body composition goals without a solid nutrition plan. We, especially as women, cannot out-train a shitty diet.

      Here's what I suggest considering to achieve your body fat goals. I think 18-20% for 5'5 is not only a healthy goal, it will give you that lean, defined look while also being sustainable on a program like Skye's. I'm throwing in some minor tweaks based on your activity level.

      I want you to do a de-load week (less weight, less reps, casual walking, biking - no sprinting). During the de-load week I want you to do a five (5) day carb depletion and follow the intermittent fasting schedule per Skye's book.

      On the last night of your carb depletion, I want you to do a carb re-feed per page 56. Now I know you're working out in the mornings so whoever else is reading this please keep that in mind. The optimal time for training for fat loss is later afternoon. But we can hack that.

      After you've completed the 5 day carb depletion, here's what I suggest.

      MONDAY (or whatever day you start): Do your sprint workouts. No more than 20 mins. Incorporate hills, stairs on some days. Intermittent fast with the butter coffee but NO collagen protein. If you're feeling really lethargic during the sprint workouts, sip some SuperStarch (you can buy it from Amazon in the Fat Burning Toolkit box on the upper right of this page. Make sure your order the one with natural flavoring and not that chemical sweetener crap).

      TUESDAY: Lift. At the end of your lifting session, do a four minute, two-handed kettlebell swing Tabata (20 secs on/ 10 secs off). As heavy of a bell as you can use and complete the Tabata. Immediately following the workout, have the shake listed in page 73 but instead of using browned bananas, add 5 grams of L-Leucine. Then continue intermittent fasting with butter coffee until you break the fast around one or two pm.

      WEDS: Regeneration day. Foam roll, deep stretch, light yoga. Get a massage if that's affordable/doable. Intermittent fast per the protocol.

      THURS: Lift. See Tues.

      FRI: CARB RE-FEED! Do your interval workout per Monday's suggestion. When you break the fast today, break it with a safe starch first. See page 24 for a list of safe starches. For this first meal, use little protein and little fat. As you get further into your feeding window, add more protein but keep the fat kinda low on this day/evening. Shoot for 250-300g safe starch.

      SATURDAY: Lift. Continue intermittent fasting.

      SUN: Rest, rest, rest. Do fun sports you enjoy or allow yourself to completely chill.

      A couple other things I recommend:
      Make sure you're getting a gallon of water a day.

      Do the pm sleep/recovery hack and cocktail on page 71. For the cocktail, add some raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to taste. The magnesium and potassium at night will really help with recovery and keto flu during low carb days.

      10-15g of fish oil/day. Take a few grams with each meal and esp before bed.

      Every fourth week, do a de-load week to allow your body to really recover. Once you hit your goal body fat it will be time to change some things up.

      Remember that the cornerstone to achieving your goals stars with food and timing.

      Hope that helps! Keep us posted and get after it!
      Your in resilience, strength and sticks of butter,

    2. I also meant to add that I recommend NOT putting the collagen protein in your coffee in the morning and DO have it with the deep sleep/recovery cocktail at night.

    3. I second taking out the collagen protein in the morning for your individual goals and activity level. I'd also like to add/suggest staying away from fructose on your carb re-feed nights. Or just keep fruit out of the picture for now. Rock on. Can't wait to see your results!

  2. Awesome! Thank you so much! I will start the 5 day carb depletion on Wednesday so I will be ready to start the new workout routine Monday!

    1. You can do it! Take some before and after pics. Here's to your success!

  3. Book p. 71 = Kindle location...?

  4. Last page of Chapter Eight towards very end of book.

  5. I read your book but I still need a bit direction. I did the 10 day carb depletion and lost 8 lbs. I am about 35% body fat and want to get to about 20%, Would you suggest the same regime for someone is 51 or would it be a bit different because of my age?

    I would appreciate any insight and suggestions.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Risa- Great job on the eight pounds! That is fantastic stuff. Proud of you. The sample protocol I suggest to Erica in the comments above is specific to her because she lifts heavy and high volume. Your age really has nothing to do with it.... there are women much older than me who can mop the gym floor with me!

      Remember, the protocol is a blueprint... and a fantastic foundation for getting fat loss and hormonal health started and sustained. However, as we repeatedly encourage, every woman needs to understand what's working and what isn't and educate herself to make tweaks along the way for her unique biological fingerprint. It is not easy and comes only with time and effort.

      That being said, I do have a protocol specifically for you but you need to check your email a little later today. ;)

      Yours in strength, resilience and sticks of butter,

    2. Awesome! Thank you for your time.

      You Rock!

    3. Omg... Whole post disappeared!!
      Ok...i have read the book and completed the carb depletion. I just have a couple of qs. My without days are Tuesday and Thursday. I do 45min boot camp. Are these days to close together to do refeed both days?
      Should I add the shake mentioned above with the L-lucine in it post workout??
      My workouts are in the early morning. I planned on having high carb breakfast straight after then butter coffee fasting until lunch then high carb lunch and then low carb dinner..... Does that make sense? Is it wise??
      I am 30. 5'2" about 23% bf and would like to be 18%-20%.
      Thanks in advance. (I have posted on BP forums too... Just needing further help really)

    4. Hi there. Thanks for writing in. Your post didn't disappear. The comments get moderated to sift out the asshats. Couple questions back:

      What do you mean by "without days"?
      I wouldn't add L-Leucine if all you're doing is boot camp.
      Re-read the book about breakfast. A high-carb breakfast will shut your fat burning down completely.
      If you're trying to get to 18-20% bodyfat I'd cut my re-feeds back and get under a bar and some heavy weights.
      Best of luck!

    5. @K8 - Please re-read pg 32 of the book titled "When We Eat Carbs is Crucial". The carb timing you've laid out above is a recipe for fat gain. The answers to your questions are all there.

      Women need to understand that the protocol Michelle recommended to the reader, Erica, above was SPECIFIC TO ERICA.

  6. Without was meant to be "workout"...ok. So possibly do only one refeed? I do not have the ability/resources to do some lifting...but our boot camp has a fair few kettlebell exercises and body weight they will have to do. Ok I will re-read the book....its just that I only can do workouts in the morning not the ideal 3-6pm window. Thanks for your fast replied.

    1. Again, it's not about the timing of your workouts. It's about the timing of your carbs. If you've read the book you know that carbs shouldn't be consumed during the day. A bootcamp workout is fine, but it's not time under tension slow movement. I don't recommend spiking your insulin afterwards with L-Leucine or anything else if you're look to strip fat. It's spelled out in the book. Good luck!

  7. Apologise for clogging your inbox. I was just worried about carb timing as I was wanting to optimize the insulin spike post exercise.... If I will still get good fat burning results from exercising in morning and carb consumption in the evening then I will do this!! And will just refeed once a week. I could possibly do this on a different day and do some tabata or similar in the afternoon(on the weekend) and do that night as my carb night....

  8. Again, it's all laid out in the book. If you were lifting heavy weights I'd recommend the L-Leucine with proper carb timing. What applies to Erica in the original post does not appear to apply to your boot camp regimen. The exercise and nutrient timing are interdependent on one another. Good luck.

  9. Hi, I've been doing Bulletproof for a couple weeks and it's worked for me for the most part. I did have a lot of questions about BP for women and as I searched for answers, I came across your book and read it. So I have a few questions. First a bit of info. I am 48, 5'4", weigh 148 lbs and I don't know my body fat (I will tomorrow, but if I have to guess around 25%). My main questions stem from exercise (shocker!). I am a fitness instructor. I teach Zumba 5 days a week and a weight/interval class 1 day a week. Classes are all 55 minutes. I usually add a 30 minute interval/weight session. This is my usual weekly schedule: Monday 10am Zumba, Tues 9am Zumba, Wed off, Thurs 10am RIPPED (interval/weights), Fri noon Zumba, Sat 10:30 Zumba. I LOVE teaching, it feeds my soul and I love my crazy class and students. That being said, my goal is to be leaner, healthy and avoid injuries (longevity!). I have muscle, but want to lose body fat (I'm assuming around 15-17% body fat would be ideal). I can follow everything you have said in the book, but I'm trying to figure how to deal with the time of the workouts, and when to add 1 or 2, 20 minutes intense workouts (as per the book) and if I need to do anything different about the diet because of the workout. And FYI, if I wasn't teaching, I would cut down on the amount of exercise. I totally get that more isn't necessarily better. Also, after being extremely regular (28 days) with my cycles, they have started to go wacko on me. Like every 5 or 6 weeks. It's driving me a little nuts, but I know its bound to happen. I'm hoping this protocol will help. Your help and suggestions are appreciated. I love this concept; it's right up my alley. I just want to learn how to do it right for me! Thanks you so much for all you do!



It's pretty simple: if you have nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Manners and politeness still count even when we're tucked safely away behind our screens. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and questions!